From R1 VRF 100, able to see R6's connected interface in VRF 100..
Rack1R1#sh ip route v 100 | i 54. is subnetted, 1 subnets
B [200/1] via, 02:15:45
Ping is not working, debug on R6 shows echo request received and sending echo reply. I traced echo reply all the way back to R1. Debug mpls packet on R1 shows it is receiving the packet with LC-ATM label as well as VPN label..
Rack1R1#ping vrf 100 rep 1000 size 1000
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 1000, 1000-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data.
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data.
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data.
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 67 Stack {0 6 253} - ipv4 data.
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data.
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data..
but it seems like it is having trouble to pop the LC-ATM label and then pop the VPN label. I don't have the same issue with VPNs terminated on R4 where R4 runs a frame mode MPLS, in fact when R4 receives a label packet it has only the VPN label left due to the penuntimate hop thing.. well LC-ATM does not do penuntimate hop, not sure whether that is the reason...
So after much time i concluded this to be dynamips bugs, will try this out again on real rack.
Other than this, the multicast is kinda fun for this lab. This is the first time i see ppl use "igmp static group" to achieve Inter-AS multicast connectivity, happy that i work it out myself. :) So R3 is emulating a multicast receiver on AS100 to pull multicast feed. Then once the multicast feed reaches AS100, it is forwarded in dense so everyone have a chance to get it. Of course this will only allow feed from AS12349 to AS100.
BTW this is the first time i am using ASER timeline 3820T to do the lab. The battery life is awesome and the screen is big. Just can't understand why wife does not like this notebook but prefers a EE PC. Whatever,good for me, now this baby is mine. :D Remote desktop back to the X61 is not much different from sitting directly in front of the X61, only difference is now the X61 has a 16:9 screen... hehe.. and this happens in MacDonald using wirelessSG.