Saturday, January 29, 2011

Strong heart

兵败悉尼, 其实还真有点失望。 人品太差, 不能怪谁。 眼看CCIE SP 2.0应该是没戏了, 今天早上无聊在思科网站翻翻, 竟然发现有3月18号的SP 2.0, 在 SAN JOSE。

有点不能理解为什么还有DATE, 虽然自己心里一直希望有个DATE。 SAN JOSE还真不好去, 要飞22个小时。 机票要两千六百多, 加上考试费和住宿, 又是一个5千。 所以即使是眼前放着这个奇迹般的日期, 鼠标的左键一直点不下去。

打给老贼婆咨询一下吧, 每次买东西太大件下不了手都找她的。


似乎老贼婆对这个提议很有意见。哈, 这不是, 电话刚挂一个洋洋洒洒的SMS就来了。 看气势就知道是兴兵问罪来的。

“I really need strong heart to take your decision. Anyway if you are ready just go."

嗯。。 strong heart 是个key word. 我比老贼婆更需要stong heart to make this decision: do i really want to go through this again?

-- 每天做8个钟头的LAB
-- 每天读4个钟头的书
-- 做22小时飞机
-- 很有可能两天内完全睡不着
-- 以一具行尸走肉的形态度过8小时的实验时间, 希望运气好一点就过了
-- 人品差点搞不好结果和悉尼是一样的
×× 这次可不是full time study, 没假了。


好吧, 我是贱人。 伤口好了就不记得疼难受。 不过最重要的似乎还是那种不知道是执着还是偏执。 眼前有机会怎么可以放过? 再说。。 SP 的技术点我是喜欢的。 准备考试的过程是enjoyable的。

离考试还有45天, 抓紧每天吧。

Saturday, January 8, 2011

IEWB SP VOL1 LAB 3 debrief

This lab is at grade 8, well well.. not so impressive but tricky. Stuck at task 5.4 back to back VRF for a few days.. Configuration was easy.. and i can't find anything different from the solution guide..

From R1 VRF 100, able to see R6's connected interface in VRF 100..

Rack1R1#sh ip route v 100 | i 54. is subnetted, 1 subnets
B [200/1] via, 02:15:45

Ping is not working, debug on R6 shows echo request received and sending echo reply. I traced echo reply all the way back to R1. Debug mpls packet on R1 shows it is receiving the packet with LC-ATM label as well as VPN label..

Rack1R1#ping vrf 100 rep 1000 size 1000

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 1000, 1000-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:

1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data.
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data.
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data.
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 67 Stack {0 6 253} - ipv4 data.
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data.
1d03h: MPLS turbo: AT3/0.1: rx: Len 1012 Stack {0 0 251} {27 0 253} - ipv4 data..

but it seems like it is having trouble to pop the LC-ATM label and then pop the VPN label. I don't have the same issue with VPNs terminated on R4 where R4 runs a frame mode MPLS, in fact when R4 receives a label packet it has only the VPN label left due to the penuntimate hop thing.. well LC-ATM does not do penuntimate hop, not sure whether that is the reason...

So after much time i concluded this to be dynamips bugs, will try this out again on real rack.

Other than this, the multicast is kinda fun for this lab. This is the first time i see ppl use "igmp static group" to achieve Inter-AS multicast connectivity, happy that i work it out myself. :) So R3 is emulating a multicast receiver on AS100 to pull multicast feed. Then once the multicast feed reaches AS100, it is forwarded in dense so everyone have a chance to get it. Of course this will only allow feed from AS12349 to AS100.